In this episode, Henrik takes us on a emotional ride through his recent triumph of finally acquiring his driver's license. With his signature blend of humor and introspection, he navigates the twists and turns of his emotional journey, from the crushing disappointment of previous failures to the ex...
In this highly requested rerun of the most listened-to episode of Fall Asleep with Henrik, "BOY" our host Henrik Ståhl takes us on a deeply personal and introspective journey through his thoughts on aging, identity, and the passage of time. As Henrik grapples with approaching his 49th birthday, he ...
In this whimsical episode of "Fall Asleep with Henrik," our host takes us on a meandering journey through the imaginary world of Transylvanian maids, intertwining personal reflections, cosmic musings, and quirky challenges. Henrik's stream-of-consciousness narrative weaves together the democratic s...
In this dreamy, stream-of-consciousness episode, Henrik takes us on a journey from the nostalgic world of He-Man action figures to the vast expanse of the cosmos. With his signature blend of humor and introspection, Henrik rambles about the peculiarities of 80s cartoon characters, the overrepresent...
In this captivating episode of "Fall Asleep with Henrik," our host takes us on a fragmented journey through his stream of consciousness, blending humor, introspection, and unexpected tangents. Henrik begins by pondering the chaos of cows and the monotony of farm life, leading to a humorous critique...